Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hit those Chocolate Cravings. Hard.

My quads were already screaming from a killer tabata routine (in which jump lunges were involved) yesterday, but I decided to contribute further proof of my insanity and pound out another 3 miles today. Needless to say, much swearing is now involved every time I try to stand up from a squatting or sitting position. Tons of fun.
Afterwards we had a huge asian dinner party, during which I forgot to take pictures due to my recurring foodgasm at my mom's seafood curry but that's not much of a prob since we've got plenty of leftovers to show for it!

Now onto the chocolate...
I think we can all see by now- I constantly crave chocolate. It is a rare occasion I turn down chocolate unless I'm totally full.
I whipped up this super quick and low-fat/low-calorie chocolatey concoction for a little boost of morale before my piano competeition today...
and I guess it worked because I finaled! Fingers crossed I place in the final round tomorrow- first prize is around $100, I think, and will go towards my "bag fund." (More on that later.)

Chocolate Yogurt Parfait:

*1/2 cup lowfat plain yogurt
*1/2 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
*1 teaspoon honey
*1 tablespoon chocolate chips
*1 tablespoon old-fashioned uncooked oats

Stir everything together, top with fruit, and enjoy!

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