Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What a tease

It seems like Spring is finally here... only probably to disappear within the next few weeks.
Apparently as a consolation for not allowing me to baptise my new running shoes outdoors yesterday, today the sun was out in all it's full glamour, and the temperature was actually in the 50s.

This pattern is supposed to keep up all week, maybe even peaking at 65 degrees F!
Besides the fact this means I'll have to pick up all the poop my dog Lulu left in the backyard this winter when the snow melts, I am hugely cheered by the weather. My once seemingly far-away dreams of pleasant spring runs are now here!

I went out for an easy 3 miles after I got home from school today, knockin' them off in about 23 minutes. I feel like  really need to buy a Garmin, as the Nike GPS running app on my ipod doesn't seem very accurate, so I didn't use it for this run and went a route I knew was 3 miles.
Plenty of splashing and jumping over puddles on my run today = the realization I can finally break out the Sperry Topsider rainboots I scored on sale last spring but never got to wear.. just the thing to dispell unpleasant thoughts of the dreary science quest (yes my science teacher calls his test "quests"; make of it what you will) coming up this Friday.

Lookin' forward to more spring runs, and keeping my fingers crossed for good weather!

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